Ground-nesting wild bee survival in disturbed soils
Ground-nesting wild bee survival in disturbed soils:
towards a more evidence-based conservation
Team: Dr. Anne-Chirstine Mupepele Projectpartner: University of Freiburg | Duration: September 2021 - April 2023 Funding: Margarete von Wrangell Habilitation Programm für Frauen University of Freiburg |
The current knowledge of ground-nesting wild bee survival after soil disturbance will be synthesised and experimental studies in flower strips will further contribute to our knowledge. In a field experiment, the effects of tillage in flower strips on wild bees will be analysed. The results will be linked to conservation with the additional aim to identify how practitioners look for scientific evidence and what they perceive as relevant to inform their actions, e.g. for the conservation of wild bees. |