Completed projects
- Ground-nesting wild bee survival in disturbed soils. Link
- Insectmonitoring - school garden network - UWC Robert Bosch College. Link
- Conservation suitability of light forests as habitat for threatened wild bees and wasps in comparison to commercial forests. Link
- Effects of forest (mining and logging) on spatio-temporal variation and community structure of small mammals in an upland evergreen forest in Ghana. Link
- Crop-flower attractiveness - global assesment. Link
- Translocation and nesting of the spring mining bee (Colletes cunicularius) in an artificial setup. Link
- Faunistischen Bewertung von FAKT-Blühmischungen. Link
- Enhancement of pollinator communities in apple orchards. Link
- Influence of different meadow management regimes on plant-insect interactions. Link
- Effects of green infrastructures, on urban solitary bee, wasp and parasitoid communities. Link
- Win-Win vineyard. Link
- EU-BiodivErsa Projekt - Eco Fruit: "Managing ecosystem services for fruit production in different European climates". Link
- Managing ecosystem services for fruit production in different European climates (EcoFruit). Link
- Global evaluation of bee attractiveness and apicultural relevance of agricultural crops (2017-2019). Link
- A guide to pollination on crops in Brazil. Link
- Aboveground multi-trophic plant-insect interactions in a Chinese subtropical forest. Link
- Seed dispersal and seed predation. Link
- The effects of forest fragmentation on bee diversity and pollination in a Neotropical rural landscape. Link
- Antibiotics, plants and interactions. Link
- Jena Experiment - Aboveground plant-insect interaction webs and associated processes along a plant diversity gradient. Link
- Global evaluation of bee attractiveness and apicultural relevance of agricultural crops (2012-2014). Link
- Phenotypic and behavioral plasticity in seed dispersal interactions. Link
- Agro-Wertholz: Agroforestry Systems with added value for people and environment. Link
- Aufnahme und Bewertung des historischen Gehölzbestandes am Sophienberg in Kirchberg an der Jags. Link
- Effects of urbanization and flower density on flower visitation of apple trees, on pollinator diversity, structure and pollination success in an urban-rural gradient. Link
- Effects of degradation-resistant antibiotics used in veterinary medicine on plants, seed predators and pollinators. Link
- Erhaltung historischer Wälder durch die Sensibilisierung zentraler Akteure. Link
- Aufnahme und Bewertung des historischen Gehölzbestandes am Sophienberg in Kirchberg an der Jagst. Link
- Jena Experiment - sp5 Consumer Community Structure and Stability. Link
- Hochdivers-KUP: Nutzung von Baumdiversität zur Erhöhung der Produktivität und ökologischen Stabilität von Kurzumtriebsplantagen.
- EU Cost Action "Super B" - Prof. Alexandra Maria Klein: MC member, WP 2 leader.
- ipbes - Prof. Alexandra Maria Klein: Lead author of the pollination assessment. Link
- ipbes - Thematic assessment of Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production: Link
- Plant resins – a neglected resource in the ecology of bees: How do resin plants and resin plant diversity influence bee colonies? Link
- Plant-insect interactions, flower traits, and pollination along an experimental plant diversity gradient. Pub.: 1, 2., 3.
- Ecological valuation of crop pollination in traditional Indonesian homegardens. Link
- Competition and resource use of the European honeybee and wild bees referring to the Lüneburger Heath. Pub.: 1., 2.
- Importance of resource diversity to stingless bees in Australia. Link
- Community-mediated mechanisms to stabilize pollination of agricultural production highly dependent on shrinking honey bee populations under global change. Pub.: 1., 2.
- Biodiversity and its role in the ecosystem services and dis-services concept in agricultural landscapes in Israel. Pub.: 1., 2., 3
- Multi-trophic interactions of butterflies along a gradient of management intensity in grasslands and forest (BATMAN). Link Pub.: 1., 2., 3, 4., 5., 6.
- Homegarden-crop spillover and plant-insect interactions in urban-rural gradients in a temperate region. Pub.: 1.
- Innovations-Inkubator of the Leuphana Universität about biofuel production. Link Pub.: 1, 2, 3.
- ECOLINK-Salix (Sweden-Germany).
- "Knowledge Dialogue Northern Black Forest" the real-world laboratory - Teilprojekt: Heute Kulturwald – morgen Urwald? - Restaurationsmaßnahmen als Impuls für eine natürliche Waldentwicklung. Link