Sie sind hier: Startseite Team Dr. Dimitry Wintermantel



Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
Tel: +49 (0)761 203-67770


Professur für Naturschutz
& Landschaftsökologie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Stefan-Meier-Str. 76
D-79104 Freiburg




Dr. Dimitry Wintermantel

20230117-P1174205-2.jpgDimitry Wintermantel
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAA-9904-2021
Tel: 0761 203 -9484
Raum Nr. 502



Als Umweltwissenschaftler mit Interesse an nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz bin ich fasziniert von Bienen und deren Bedeutung als Bestäuber für natürliche Ökosysteme und landwirtschaftliche Produktion. In verschiedenen Halb-Feld- oder Feldstudien, teilweise mit anschließenden Laboruntersuchungen, habe ich den Einfluss von Pestiziden, Mangel an diversen Ressourcen, Parasiten und mikrobiellen Schädlingen, sowie deren interaktiven Effekte auf die Gesundheit verschiedener Bienenarten erforscht. Darum ging es im Projekt: PoshBee - Effects of chemicals and their interactions on bees. Diesen Forschungsfragen wird auch in den neuen Projekten RestPoll- Restoring pollinator habitats across European agricultural landscapes based on multi-actor participatory approaches (EU) und WildPosh- Pan-European assessment, monitoring and mitigation of chemical stressors on the health of wild pollinators, nachgegangen.



Sommer Semester:

  • B.Sc. Modul (4331/5331) Kartierung von Lebensräumen und Schutzgütern
  • M.Sc. Modul (42140) Freilandökologie / (42260) Field Ecology

Winter Semester:

  • B.Sc. Modul (4334/5334) Nachhaltige Landnutzung
  • M.Sc. Modul (51120) Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Naturschutz





Seit 01/2023
Postdoc und Dozent an der Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Fakultät für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
02/2020 - 04/2023
Postdoc an der Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Fakultät für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

11/2015 - 02/2019

PhD in Environmental Biology & Ecology, University of Poitiers, Biological Research Centre of Chizé (CEBC-CNRS) & National Institute of Agricultural Research of Magneraud (INRA-Apis) - France.
Thesis topic: "Effects of pesticides on bees in agricultural landscapes"

09/2014 - 09/2015

MSc Environmental Science in Europe (EnvEuro), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Uppsala, Sweden.
Thesis topic: "The effect of field-level clothianidin exposure on the prevalence and loads of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes in bumblebees (B. terrestris)"

08/2014 - 03/2015

Tutor in "Environmental Management in Europe"

(online course of the University of Copenhagen)


09/2013 - 06/2014

MSc Environmental Science in Europe (EnvEuro), University of Copenhagen - Denmark

09/2013 - 06/2014

BSc in Environmental Sciences (Major), University of Freiburg

04/2013 - 08/2013

Research assistant at Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research/Atmospheric Environmental Research (KIT-IMK-IFU) - Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

10/2009 - 07/2013

BSc in Environmental Sciences (Major), University of Freiburg

08/2011 - 04/2012

Semester abroad, University of the Basque Country - Bilbao, Spain







  • Babin, A., Schurr, F., Delannoy, S., […] Wintermantel, D., […] Klein, A.M., […] Pereira-Peixoto, H.M., […] Tamburini, G. et al. & Dubois, E. (2024): Distribution of infectious and parasitic agents among three sentinel bee species across European agricultural landscapes. Scientific Reports 14: 3524. Link
  • Brown, M., Albrecht, M., De la Rúa, P., Hellström, S., Klein, A.M, Michez, D., Nazzi, F., Paxton, R., Straw, E., Wintermantel, D. & Potts. S. (2023): The impacts of multiple stressors on managed bees: Novel insights from the PoshBee project. ARPHA Preprints. online first. doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e115172. Link
  • Willcox, B.K., Potts, S.G., Brown, M.J.F., […] Osterman, J., […] Wintermantel, D. et al. & Senapathi, D. (2023): Emerging threats and opportunities to managed bee species in European agricultural systems: a horizon scan. Scientific Reports 13: 18099. online first. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-45279-w. Link
  • Allan, M.J., Dean, R., Klein, A.M., Wintermantel, D., Albrecht, M., Schwarz, J. & Knauer, A. (2023): Milestone 15 Protocols for semi-field and field experiments. ARPHA preprints. online first. doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e101323. Link


  • Knauer, A., Alaux, C., Matthew, A., Dean, R., Dievart, V., Glauser, G., Kiljanek, T., Michez, D., Schwarz, J., Tamburini, G., Wintermantel, D., Klein, A.M. & Albrecht, M. (2022): Nutritional stress exacerbates impact of a novel insecticide on solitary bees’ behaviour, reproduction and survival Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289: 20221013. Link
  • Hodge, S., Schweiger, O., Klein, A.M., Potts, S.G., Costa, C., Albrecht, M., de Miranda, J.R., Mand, M., De la Rúa, P., Rundlöf, M., Attridge, E., Dean, R., Bulet, P., Michez, D., Paxton, R.J., Babin, A., Cougoule, N., Laurent, M., Martel, A.C., Paris, L., Rivière, M.P., Dubois, E., Chauzat, M.P., Arafah, K., Askri, D., Voisin, S.N., Kiljanek, T., Bottero, I., Dominik, C., Tamburini, G., Pereira-Peixoto, M.H., Wintermantel, D., Breeze, T.D., Cini, E., Senapathi, D., Di Prisco, G., Medrzycki, P., Hagenbucher, S., Knauer, A., Schwarz, J.M., Raimets, R., Martínez-López, V., Ivarsson, K., Hartfield, C., Hunter, P., Brown, M.J.F. & Stout, J.C. (2022): Design and planning of a transdisciplinary investigation into farmland pollinators: Rationale, co-design, and lessons learned. Sustainability 14: 10549. Link 
  • Osterman, J., Wintermantel, D. & Klein A.M. (2022): Welche Produkte Bienen gefährden. BWagrar. 32 pp. 16-17. Link
  • Osterman, J., Wintermantel, D. & Klein, A.M. (2022): Verbot von Sulfoxaflor - Der Nachfolger von Neonikotinoiden ist auch gefährlich. bienen&natur. 8 pp. 34-36. Link
  • Schwarz, J.M., Knauer, A.C., Allan, M.J., Dean, R.R., Ghazoul, J., Tamburini, G., Wintermantel, D., Klein, A.M. & Albrecht, M. (2022): No evidence for impaired solitary bee fitness following pre-flowering sulfoxaflor application alone or in combination with a common fungicide in a semi-field experiment. Environment International 164: 107252. Link
  • Wintermantel, D., Pereira-Peixoto, M.H., Warth, N., Melcher, K., Faller, M., Feurer, J., Allan, M.J., Dean, R., Tamburini, G., Knauer, A.C., Schwarz, J.M., Albrecht, M. & Klein, A.M. (2022): Flowering resources modulate the sensitivity of bumblebees to a common fungicide. Science of The Total Environment 829: 154450. Link
  • Klein, A.M, von Königslöw, V., Mupepele, A., Fornoff, F. & Wintermantel, D. (2022): Blühstreifen, Hecken und Spontanvegetation: Wie können wir Wildbienen im Obstanbau gezielt fördern? In: Eben, A. & Herz, A. (eds.) Online - Fachgespräch zum Thema „Biodiversität im Obstbau“. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 74: 11-18. Link


  • Tamburini, G., Pereira-Peixoto, M.H., Borth, J., Lotz, S., Wintermantel, D., Allan, M.J., Dean, R., Schwarz J.M., Knauer, A., Albrecht, M. & Klein, A.M. (2021): Fungicide and insecticide exposure adversely impacts bumblebees and pollination services under semi-field conditions. Environment International 157: 106813. Link
  • Tamburini*, G., Wintermantel*, D., Allan, M.J., Dean, R.R., Knauer, A., Albrecht, M. & Klein, A.M. (2021): Sulfoxaflor insecticide and azoxystrobin fungicide have no major impact on honeybees in a realistic-exposure semi-field experiment. Science of the Total Environment 778: 146084. Link

  * These authors contributed equally to the study


  • Wintermantel, D., Odoux, J.F., Decourtye, A., Henry, M., Allier, F., Bretagnolle, V. (2020): Neonicotinoid-induced mortality risk for bees foraging on oilseed rape nectar persists despite EU moratorium. Sci. Total Environ 704: 135400.


  • Wintermantel, D., Odoux, J.-F., Chadœuf, J., Bretagnolle, V. (2019): Organic farming positively affects honeybee colonies in a flower-poor period in agricultural landscapes. J. Appl. Ecology 56: 1960-1969.
  • Osterman*, J., Wintermantel*, D., Locke, B., Jonsson, O., Semberg, E., Onorati, P., Forsgren, E., Rosenkranz, P., Rahbek-Pedersen, T., Bommarco, R., Smith, H.G., Rundlöf, M., de Miranda, J.R. (2019): Clothianidin seed-treatment has no detectable negative impact on honeybee colonies and their pathogens. Nat. Commun 10: 692. 

  * These authors contributed equally to the study  

  • Kawakami, T., Wallberg, A., Olsson, A., Wintermantel, D., De Miranda, J.R., Allsopp, M., Rundlöf, M., Webster, M.T. (2019): Substantial heritable variation in recombination rate on multiple scales in honeybees and bumblebees. Genetics 212: 1101–1119.


  • Wintermantel, D., Locke, B., Andersson, G.K.S., Semberg, E., Forsgren, E., Osterman, J., Rahbek Pedersen, T., Bommarco, R., Smith, H.G., Rundlöf, M., de Miranda, J.R. (2018): Field-level clothianidin exposure affects bumblebees but generally not their pathogens. Nat. Commun. 9: 5446.

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