

Department Head: 

Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
phone:+49 (0)761 203-67770



Mrs. Ilona Winkler
phone:+49 (0)761 203-3635
fax:+49 (0)761 203-3638


Chair of Nature Conservation
& Landscape Ecology
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg








Elena Weindel
"How does tree diversity influence habitat use and predation by insectivorous birds"
Sinja Zieger "Ecosystem services of agri-environment schemes: How effective are flower strips versus organic farming in biocontrolling two common crop pests-aphids and  cereal leave beetles - in winter wheat?"
Theoniki Shopaha
"Flower-visitor communities and functional traits in relation to latitude"

Mert Kavaklioglu

"Insect herbivore diversity in the IDENT tree diversity experiment"


von Königslöw

"Comparison of different insect hotel models"

Martina Schwenkel

"Ausprägung der Trockenrasen in- und außerhalb des Naturschutzgebietes Badberg"

Marie Müller

"Genetic diversity effects in willow short-rotation coppice on the arthropod community"

Merle Noack

"Leaf litter as template for ant communities in a biodiversity experiment"

Sarah L. Radford

"An investigation into the effects of clothianidin on the solitary bee Osmia cornuta"

Stefanie Schön

"Surveillance and control of  Aedes albopictus in Freiburg"





Lisa Vaassen "Natürliche Gartenstestaltung für Europäische Landschildkröten zur Förderung von Biodiversität"
Franziska Wenger "Auswirkungen von Beweidung auf die Vegetation in einem Steinbruch auf der Schwäbischen Alb"
Clara Wild
"Stellung von Ackerwildkräutern im Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Nahrungsnetz und die Bedeutung von Habitatkomplexen für den Naturschutz"
Arne Pinnschmidt "Zeitliche Veränderung der Wahrnehmung von Ökosystemleistungen und Management von Ökosystemen: Fallstudie einer Wechselbeziehung"
Linda Oschwald "Unterschiede in Blütenmerkmalen von traditionellen Apfelsorten"
Christine Ziegler "Effects of antibiotics in soil on rapeseed - bumblebee interactions"

Urban Eisele

"Auswirkungen der Vielfalt des Baumbestandes auf die Kontrolle herbivorer Insekten durch Vögel"

Imke Muffler

"Attractiveness of native and exotic garden plants for pollinators"

Layla Horn

"Abweichung von Verbreitungsgebieten der Europäischen Landschildkrötenarten mit ihren Futterpflanzen"

Lisa Schneider

"Herbivory in a tree diversity experiment"

Laila Berning

"Do plant or aphid species identity or tree diversity influence amino acid composition in honeydew"

Lea Dehning

"The influence of environmental properties on functional diversity of ants"

Madleen Maurer

"Bestimmung von Habitatvariablen und ihren Schwellenwerten für das Bergkronenwidderchen (Zygaena Fausta)"

Felix Becker

"Sneaky slugs - Tests verschiedener Nacktschneckenbarrieren für ökologische Feldforschung"

Katja Holzapfel

"The influence of tree diversity on leaf damage"







Valerie Kiefer

"Untersuchungen zu den Habitatstrukturen des Elegans-Widderchens (Zygaena angelicae elegans) auf der Schäbischen Alb (BW)"

Leonie Durocher

"Effect of the management and the landscape structure on the pollination and pest occurene on Elstar and Boskoop trees"





Stefan Tonn

"Vertical stratification of ant community composition along a forest succession gradient in subtropical China"

Michele Deis

"Herbivores of the "tree of heaven" (Ailanthus altissima) on a spatial urban-to-rural gradient in Freiburg"

Annika Gaus

"Do nutrient addition or tree species richness influence invertebrate herbivory on tree saplings"

Sara Elsholz

"Attractiveness of garden plants to pollinators in a gradient of urbanization in Freiburg"

Mauricio Sagastuy

"Effects of ecotourism on the ecology of ecosystems and social aspects with a special focus on Costa Rica"

Alexandra Klein

"Analysis of pollen storage of Osmia rufa nests in urban aereas"





Jessica Eith

"The effect of different invertebrates on native and exotic plant species estaiblishment"

Henriette Nickels

"Influence of flowering garden plants on pollination of apple trees in gardens in an urban-rural gradient"

Jan Peters

"Community composition of visitors to extrafloral nectaries along a tree diversity gradient in a subtropical chinese forest"

Fabio Weiß

"Testing the potential of mountain bikes as seed dispersers"



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