2016 |
Master |
Elena Weindel |
"How does tree diversity influence habitat use and predation by insectivorous birds" |
Sinja Zieger | "Ecosystem services of agri-environment schemes: How effective are flower strips versus organic farming in biocontrolling two common crop pests-aphids and cereal leave beetles - in winter wheat?" |
Theoniki Shopaha |
"Flower-visitor communities and functional traits in relation to latitude" |
Mert Kavaklioglu |
"Insect herbivore diversity in the IDENT tree diversity experiment" |
Vivien von Königslöw |
"Comparison of different insect hotel models" |
Martina Schwenkel |
"Ausprägung der Trockenrasen in- und außerhalb des Naturschutzgebietes Badberg" |
Marie Müller |
"Genetic diversity effects in willow short-rotation coppice on the arthropod community" |
Merle Noack |
"Leaf litter as template for ant communities in a biodiversity experiment" |
Sarah L. Radford |
"An investigation into the effects of clothianidin on the solitary bee Osmia cornuta" |
Stefanie Schön |
"Surveillance and control of Aedes albopictus in Freiburg" |
Bachelor |
Lisa Vaassen | "Natürliche Gartenstestaltung für Europäische Landschildkröten zur Förderung von Biodiversität" |
Franziska Wenger | "Auswirkungen von Beweidung auf die Vegetation in einem Steinbruch auf der Schwäbischen Alb" |
Clara Wild |
"Stellung von Ackerwildkräutern im Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Nahrungsnetz und die Bedeutung von Habitatkomplexen für den Naturschutz" |
Arne Pinnschmidt | "Zeitliche Veränderung der Wahrnehmung von Ökosystemleistungen und Management von Ökosystemen: Fallstudie einer Wechselbeziehung" |
Linda Oschwald | "Unterschiede in Blütenmerkmalen von traditionellen Apfelsorten" |
Christine Ziegler | "Effects of antibiotics in soil on rapeseed - bumblebee interactions" |
Urban Eisele |
"Auswirkungen der Vielfalt des Baumbestandes auf die Kontrolle herbivorer Insekten durch Vögel" |
Imke Muffler |
"Attractiveness of native and exotic garden plants for pollinators" |
Layla Horn |
"Abweichung von Verbreitungsgebieten der Europäischen Landschildkrötenarten mit ihren Futterpflanzen" |
Lisa Schneider |
"Herbivory in a tree diversity experiment" |
Laila Berning |
"Do plant or aphid species identity or tree diversity influence amino acid composition in honeydew" |
Lea Dehning |
"The influence of environmental properties on functional diversity of ants" |
Madleen Maurer |
"Bestimmung von Habitatvariablen und ihren Schwellenwerten für das Bergkronenwidderchen (Zygaena Fausta)" |
Felix Becker |
"Sneaky slugs - Tests verschiedener Nacktschneckenbarrieren für ökologische Feldforschung" |
Katja Holzapfel |
"The influence of tree diversity on leaf damage" |
2015 |
Master |
Valerie Kiefer |
"Untersuchungen zu den Habitatstrukturen des Elegans-Widderchens (Zygaena angelicae elegans) auf der Schäbischen Alb (BW)" |
Leonie Durocher |
"Effect of the management and the landscape structure on the pollination and pest occurene on Elstar and Boskoop trees" |
Bachelor |
Stefan Tonn |
"Vertical stratification of ant community composition along a forest succession gradient in subtropical China" |
Michele Deis |
"Herbivores of the "tree of heaven" (Ailanthus altissima) on a spatial urban-to-rural gradient in Freiburg" |
Annika Gaus |
"Do nutrient addition or tree species richness influence invertebrate herbivory on tree saplings" |
Sara Elsholz |
"Attractiveness of garden plants to pollinators in a gradient of urbanization in Freiburg" |
Mauricio Sagastuy |
"Effects of ecotourism on the ecology of ecosystems and social aspects with a special focus on Costa Rica" |
Alexandra Klein |
"Analysis of pollen storage of Osmia rufa nests in urban aereas" |
2014 |
Bachelor |
Jessica Eith |
"The effect of different invertebrates on native and exotic plant species estaiblishment" |
Henriette Nickels |
"Influence of flowering garden plants on pollination of apple trees in gardens in an urban-rural gradient" |
Jan Peters |
"Community composition of visitors to extrafloral nectaries along a tree diversity gradient in a subtropical chinese forest" |
Fabio Weiß |
"Testing the potential of mountain bikes as seed dispersers" |