Master |
Max Arnold | "The preference of saproxylic bees and wasps for different species of deadwood dependent on surrounding tree species composition" |
Constanze Wegschneider | "The effects of heat stress on pollinator visitation and diversity in canola fields" |
Charlotte Hospach | "Wildbienengemeinschaften auf Feldgehölzarten im Jahresverlauf" |
Maiara Gonçalves | "Community growth and compositional change of cavity-nesting bees, wasps and their natural enemies in trap-nests" |
Elisabeth Laskus | "Effects of glyphosate use - compared to mechanical weeding - and flowering resource availability on bumble bees in Spanish almond" |
Rike Lena Schwarz | "Effects of invasive earthworms on plant functional traits and biotic interactions" |
Ina Aufderheide | "Diversity of wild bees nesting in and visiting flowers of hedgerow plants along a heterogeneity gradient in agricultural landscapes" |
Bachelor | |
Jieun Park | "Die Entwicklung der Vogelfauna in der Demilitarisierten Zone (DMZ) in Süd- und Nordkorea" |
Sarah von Adelmannsfelden | "Beute- und Nistplatzpräferenzen der neozoischen Grabwespe Isodontia mexicana (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)" |
Eva Kusterer | "Der Einfluss von Schafbeweidung auf die Diasporenbank und die Vegetation des Geranio-Allietum in Weinberge" |
Felix Niederberger | "Effects of the herbicide Roundup on the nesting behavior and fecundity of Osmia cornuta, Latr." |
Amelie Weiler | "How does glyphosate use and flowering resource availability affect Osmia cornuta in vineyards?" |
Finn Seeger | "Auswirkungen des Bootsverkehrs auf die Vogelgemeinschaft eines Auengewässers" |