

Department Head: 

Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
phone:+49 (0)761 203-67770



Mrs. Ilona Winkler
phone:+49 (0)761 203-3635
fax:+49 (0)761 203-3638


Chair of Nature Conservation
& Landscape Ecology
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg








Lena Purmann "Pflanzengesellschaften auf Wildwiesen im Nationalpark Schwarzwald"
Sophie Ewert "The pollen spectrum of cavity nesting solitary bees along an urban gradient"
Manuel Hugelmann "Der barocke Garten der ehemaligen Benedektinerabtei"
Colin O´Shaughnessy "Integrating sheep in viticulture: practical experiences from European vineyard"
Xaver von Beckenrath
"Lemming winter ecology in north-east Greenland: Habitat selection at different phases of cyclic dynamics"
Allison Sharpe "Pollen analysis of Hylaeus"
Marion Atkinson "Species Richness Effects on Herbivory in Six European and North American Deciduous Tree Species"
Jessica Eith "Bestäubung von traditionellen Apfelsorten und ihre Auswirkung auf die Fruchtqualität"





Mirjam Jakob "Wildbienen im Schönmünztal"
Lena Wunderlich
"Die Wirkung verschiedener FAKT-Blühmischungen auf die Häufigkeit und Vielfalt von Wildbienen"
Lisa Schäfer
"Attraktivitätsvergleich zweier einjähriger FAKT Blühmischungen in Hinblick auf Abundanz und Artenvielfalt von Tagfaltern"
Florian Meyer-Busse
"Trait-matching in seed predation between seeds and slugs"
Bente Oetken "Bestandsentwicklung von Insekten in Baden-Württemberg"
Matteo Keller "A review of biodiversity in agroforestry systems in Europe"
Katja Hoffacker "Effect of hedgerows on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes"
Sabrina Neitzel "Does the degree of isolation of game meadows affect the nesting of wild bees, wasps and their parasitoids?"
Lara-Sophie Heitbrink "Nisthilfen zur Förderung von Wildbienen - Stört ein Gitter zum Schutz vor Vögeln hohlraumnistende Bienen und Wespen"
Olivia Geyer "Nistweise bodennistender Wildbienen in Mitteleuropa und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Förderung im Obstbau am Bodensee"
Maike Kirsi Schmidt
"Profitieren Laufkäfer von Wildnis Strukturen im Wald?"






Dorothee Wesselkamp "Unterschiede in Bestäubergemeinschaften von alten und seltenen Apfelsorten"
Tristan Eckerter "Blueberry pollination and fruit set in the Black Forest"
Jan-Hendrik Czopp "Arthropod diversity in high diversity short rotation coppice"
Kathi Folz "Bird activity in different forest landscapes"
Siyu Huang "The biodiversity stabilizing effect under envionmental influences in a tri-trophic network"
Bibishan Rai
"Change in feeding behaviour and larval development of herbivore insects feeding on host plants under different water regimes"
Carl Skarbek
"Calibration of REFA-seed dispersal along a replicated urbanization gradient"
Jörg Memmert "The effects of antibiotics in the soil on plant-aphid interactions"
Inessa Ortmann
"Hormetic response of Capsella bursa-pastoris to antibiotics in the soil"

Alexandra Macedo

"Bees and pollination requirements of common medicine and culinary plants in Europe"





Viola Taubmann "Promoting biodiversity in viticulture: Management practices and implementation context in the Kaiserstuhl region"
Deborah Ruppel "Changes and development in urban greenspace in the city of Freiburg, Germany, since 1838"
Johanna Sester "Unterschiede in Blütenmerkmalen von traditionellen Apfelsorten"
Hannah Kistner
"Die Invasionshistorie der Grabwespe Isodontia mexicana in Europa – die klimatische Nische der Art sowie ihre Verbreitungsmöglichkeiten in Europa"
Joanna Heuschele "Functional diversity of leaf-litter ants in a tree diversity experiment"
Anja Proske "Deadwood-associated abundance and diversity of insects in the Black Forest"
Maria Ballardt "Attractiveness of public wild flower and ornamental flower strips for pollinators in the urban area of Freiburg i. Breisgau"



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