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Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
Tel: +49 (0)761 203-67770


Professur für Naturschutz
& Landschaftsökologie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Stefan-Meier-Str. 76
D-79104 Freiburg




Dr. Michael Staab

Staab_2019 Michael Staab
Tel: 06151 16-75416                         
Persönliche Website








Seit 2019 Habilitand an der Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Fakultät für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen, Universität Freiburg

2014 - 2020

Wissenschaftlicher Assistent der Professur für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Fakultät für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen, Universität Freiburg

2017 - 2018 Junior Fellow am Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies - FRIAS



2011 - 2014

Doktorarbeit "Effect of tree diversity on plant-insect interactions in a Chinese subtropical forest"  betreut von  Alexandra-Maria Klein, Thorsten Assmann und Nico Blüthgen (TU Darmstadt)



2011 - 2013

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Ökosystemfunktionen am Institut für Ökologie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg



2010 - 2011

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Zoologie III, Universität Würzburg



2009 - 2010

Diplomarbeit an den Universitäten Würzburg und Konstanz Thema: „Die Paarungsbiologie der Blattschneiderameise Atta vollenweideri



2005 - 2010

Biologiestudium an der Universität Würzburg; Hauptfach: Tierökologie und Tropenbiologie, Nebenfächer: Verhaltensphysiologie und Soziobiologie / Genetik




Argentinien, China, Malaysia, Uganda; insgesamt über 18 Monate



Persönliche Auszeichnungen



Göttinger Preis Waldökosystemforschung der Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen für außergewöhnliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Biodiversitätsforschung und Waldökologie
2017 Horst Wiehe Preis der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ) für hervorragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen zum Thema Influence of tree diversity on trophic interactions




Maria Sibylla Merian Preis der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö) für eine Präsentation auf der Jahrestagung in Brüssel



ausgewählte Publikationen


  • Wittmann, K., Ibrahim, M.G., Straw, A.D., Klein, A.M. & Staab, M. (2024): Monitoring fast-moving animals - building a customized camera system and evaluation toolset. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (accepted).
  • Rappa, N.J., Staab, M., Ruppert, L.S., Frey, J., Mello, M.A.R. & Klein, A.M. (2024): Forest structure and heterogeneity increase diversity and alter composition of host-parasitoid networks. Ecological Entomology 49: 257-271. Link


  • Li, Y., Schmid, B., Schuldt, A. Li, S., Wang, M.Q., Fornoff, F., Staab, M., Guo, P.F., Anttonen, P., Chester, D., Bruelheide, H., Zhu, C.D., Ma, K. & Liu, X. (2023): Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 832-840. Link
  • Ruppert, L.S., Staab, M., Klingenfuß, S. Rappa, N.J., Frey, J. & Segelbacher, G. (2023): Leaf litter arthropods show little response to structural retention in a Central European forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 3973-3990. Link
  • Wittmann, K., Klein, A.M. & Staab, M. (2023): The influence of habitat properties on sex determination in cavity-nesting Hymenoptera. Basic and Applied Ecology 70: 1-11. Link
  • Schuldt, A., Liu, X., Buscot, F., Bruelheide, H., Erfmeier, A., He, J.S., Klein, A.M., Ma, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Scholten, T., Tang, Z., Trogisch, S., Wirth, C., Wubet, T. & Staab, M. (2023): Carbon-biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. Global Change Biology 29: 5321-5333. Link
  • Rappa, N.J., Staab, M., Rupert, L.S., Frey, J., Bauhus, J. & Klein, A.M (2023): Structural elements enhanced by retention forestry promote forest and non-forest specialist bees and wasps. Forest Ecology and Management 529: 120709. Link (Corrigendum)
  • Timóteo, S., Albrecht, J., Rumeu, B., Norte, A. C., Traveset, A., Frost, C. M., Marchante, E., López-Núñez, F. A., Peralta, G., Memmott, J., Olesen, J. M., Costa, J. M., da Silva, L. P., Carvalheiro, L. G., Correia, M., Staab, M., Blüthgen, N., Farwig, N., Hervías-Parejo, S. & Heleno, R. (2023): Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask. Functional Ecology 37: 274-286. Link


  • Tang, T., Zhang, N., Bongers, F., Staab, M., Schuldt, A., Fornoff, F., Lin, H.; Cavender-Bares, J., Hipp, A., Li, S., Liang, Y., Han, B., Klein, A.M., Bruelheide, H., Durka, W., Schmid, B., Ma, K. & Liu, X. (2022): Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks. eLife 11: e78703. Link
  • Rappa, N.J., Staab, M., Frey, J., Winiger, N. & Klein, A.M. (2022): Multiple forest structural elements are needed to promote beetle biomass, diversity and abundance. Forest Ecosystems 9: e100056. Link


  • Fornoff, F., Staab, M., Zhu, C.D. & Klein, A.M. (2021): Multi-trophic communities re-establish with canopy cover and microclimate in a subtropical forest biodiversity experiment. Oecologia 196: 289-301. Link
  • Zumstein, P., Bruelheide, H., Fichtner, A., Schuldt, A., Staab, M., Härdtle, W., Zhao, H. & Assmann, T. (2021): What shapes ground beetle assemblages in a tree species-rich subtropical forest? ZooKeys 1044: 907-927. Link
  • Guo, P.F., Wand, M.Q., Orr, M., Li, Y., Chen, J.T., Zhou, Q.S., Staab, M., Fornoff, F., Chen, G.H., Zhang, N.L., Klein, A.M., Zhu, C.D. (2021): Tree diversity promotes predatory wasps and parasitoids but not pollinator bees in a subtropical experimental forest. Basic and Applied Ecology 53: 134-142. Link
  • Wu, D., Staab, M. & Yu, M. (2021): Canopy closure retards fine wood decomposition in subtropical regenerating forests. Ecosystems 24: 1875-1890. Link
  • Staab, M., Liu, X.J., Assmann, T., Bruelheide, H., Buscot, F., Durka, W., Erfmeier, A., Klein, A.M., Ma, K., Michalski, S., Wubet, T., Schmid, B. & Schuldt, A. (2021): Tree phylogenetic diversity structures multitrophic communities. Functional Ecology 35: 521-534. Link
  • Wu, D., Pietsch, K.A., Staab, M. & Yu, M. (2021): Wood species identity alters dominant factors driving fine wood decomposition along a tree diversity gradient in subtropical plantation forests. Biotropica 53: 643-657. Link
  • Poeydebat, C., Jactel, H., Moreira, X., Koricheva, J., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Francisco, M., Gottschall, F., Gravel, D., Mason, B., Muiruri, E., Muys, B., Nock, C., Paquette, A., Ponette, Q., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Stokes, V., Staab, M., Verheyen, K. & Castagneyrol, B. (2021): Climate affects neighbour-induced changes in leaf chemical defences and tree diversity-herbivory relationships. Functional Ecology 35: 67-81. Link


  • Knuff, A., Staab, M., Frey, J., Dorman, C.F., Asbeck, T. & Klein, A.M. (2020): Insect abundance in managed forests benefits from multi-layered vegetation. Basic and Applied Ecology 48: 124-135. Link
  • Staab, M., Pereira-Peixoto, M.H. & Klein, A.M. (2020): Exotic garden plants partly substitute for native plants as resources for pollinators when native plants become seasonally scarce. Oecologia 194: 465-480. Link
  • Staab, M. & Schuldt, A. (2020): The Influence of Tree Diversity on Natural Enemies—a Review of the “Enemies” Hypothesis in Forests. Current Forestry Reports 6: 243-259. Link
  • Wang, M.-Q., Li, Y., Chester, D., Bruelheide, H., Ma, K., Guo, P.-F., Zhou, Q.-S., Staab, M., Zhu, C.-D. & Schuldt, A. (2020): Host functional and phylogenetic composition rather than host diversity structure plantherbivore networks. Molecular Ecology 29: 2747-2762. Link
  • Skarbek, C.J., Noack, M., Bruelheide, H., Härdtle, W., von Oheimb, G., Scholten, T., Seitz, S. & Staab, M. (2020): A tale of scale: Plot but not neighbourhood tree diversity increases leaf litter ant diversity. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 299-308. Link
  • Storch, I., Penner, J., Asbeck, T., Baile, M., Bauhus, J., Braunisch, V., Dormann, C., Frey, J., Gärtner, S., Hanewinkel, M., Koch, B., Klein, A.M., Kuss, T., Pregernig, M., Pyttel, P., Reif, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Segelbacher, G., Schraml, U., Staab, M., Winkel, G. & Yousefpour, R. (2020): Evaluating the effectiveness of retention forestry to enhance biodiversity in production forests of Central Europe using an interdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. Ecology and Evolution 10: 1489-1509. Link
  • Bongers, F., Schmid, B., Sun, Z., Li, Y., Härdtle, W., von Oheimb, G., Li, Y., Li, S., Staab, M., Ma, K. & Liu, X. (2020): Growth–trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity. Journal of Ecology 108: 256-266.  Link


  • Staab, M. (2019): Plagiolepis alluaudi Emery, 1894, a globally spreading exotic ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) newly recorded from Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 74: 83-91. Link
  • Von Königslöw, V., Klein, A.M., Staab, M. & Pufal, G. (2019): Benchmarking nesting aids for cavity-nesting bees and wasps. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 3831-3849. Link
  • Knuff, A., Winiger, N., Klein, A.M., Segelbacher, G. & Staab, M. (2019): Optimising sampling of flying insects using a modified window trap. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 1820-1825. Link
  • Knuff, A., Staab, M., Frey, J., Helbach, J. & Klein, A.M. (2019): Plant composition, not richness, drives occurrence of specialist herbivores. Ecological Entomology 44: 833-843. Link
  • Schuldt, A., Ebeling, A., Kunz, M., Staab, M., Guimarães-Steinicke, C., Bachmann, D., Buchmann, N., Durka, W., Fichtner, A., Fornoff, F., Härdtle, W., Hertzog, L., Klein, A.M., Roscher, C., Schaller, J., von Oheimb, G., Weigelt, A., Weisser, W., Wirth, C., Zhang, J., Bruelheide, H. & Eisenhauer, N. (2019): Multiple plant diversity components drive consumer communities across ecosystems. Nature Communications 10: 1460. Link
  • Fornoff, F., Klein, A.M., Blüthgen, N. & Staab, M. (2019): Tree diversity increases robustness of multi-trophic interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20182399. Link
  • Pauli, T., Castillo-Cajas, R.F., Rosa, P., Kukowka, S., Berg, A., van den Berghe, E., Fornoff, F., Hopfenmüller, S., Niehuis, M., Peters, R.S., Staab, M., Strumia, F., Tischendorf, S., Schmitt, T. & Niehuis, O. (2019): Phylogenetic analysis of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) reveals a partially artificial classification at the genus level and a species-rich clade of bee parasitoids. Systematic Entomology 44: 322-355. Link


  • Staab, M., Pufal, G., Tscharntke, T. & Klein, A.M. (2018): Trap nests for bees and wasps to analyse trophic interactions in changing environments - a systematic overview and user guide Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2226-2239. Link
  • Liu, X., Trogisch, S., He, J.S., Niklaus, P.A., Bruelheide, H., Tang, Z., Erfmeier, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Pietsch, K.A., Yang, B., Kühn, P., Scholten, T., Huang, Y., Wang, C., Staab, M., Leppert, K., Wirth, C., Schmid, B. & Ma, K. (2018): Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285: 20181240. Link
  • Schuldt, A., Assmann, T., Brezzi, M., Buscot, F., Eichenberg, D., Gutknecht, J., Härdtle, W., He, J.S., Klein, A.M., Kühn, P., Liu, X., Ma, K., Niklaus, P.A., Pietsch, K.A., Purahong, W., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Scholten, T., Staab, M., Tang, Z., Trogisch, S., von Oheimb, G., Wirth, C., Wubet, T., Zhu, C.D. & Bruelheide, H. (2018): Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9: 2989. Link
  • Binkenstein, J., Klein, A.M., Assmann, T., Buscot, F., Erfmeier, A., Ma, K., Pietsch, K.A., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T., Wubet, T., Bruelheide, H., Schuldt, A. & Staab, M. (2018): Multi-trophic guilds respond differently to changing elevation in a subtropical forest. Ecography 41: 1013-1023. Link
  • Staab, M., Hita Garcia, F., Liu, C., Xu, Z.H. & Economo, E.P. (2018): Systematics of the ant genus Proceratium Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Proceratiinae) in China - with descriptions of three new species based on micro-CT enhanced next-generation-morphology. ZooKeys 770: 137-192. Link
  • Janssen, A., Hunger, H., Konold, W., Pufal, G. & Staab, M. (2018): Simple pond restoration measures increase dragonfly (Insecta: Odonata) diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 2311-2328.  Link
  • Cao, H., Klein, A.M., Zhu, C.-D., Staab, M., Durka, W., Fischer, M. & Fornoff, F. (2018): Intra- and interspecific tree diversity promotes multitrophic plant–Hemiptera–ant interactions in a forest diversity experiment. Basic and Applied Ecology 29: 89-97. Link
  • Grossman, J.J., Vanhellemont, M., Barsoum, N., Bauhus, J., Bruelheide, H., Castagneyrol, B., Cavender-Bares, J., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Gravel, D., Hector, A., Jactel, H., Kreft, H., Mereu, S., Messier, C., Muys, B., Nock, C., Paquette, A., Parker, J., Perring, M.P., Ponette, Q., Reich, P.B., Schuldt, A., Staab, M., Weih, M., Zemp, D.C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M. & Verheyen, K. (2018): Synthesis and future research directions linking tree diversity to growth, survival, and damage in a global network of tree diversity experiments. Environmental and Experimental Botany 152: 68-89. Link
  • Müller, M., Klein, A.M., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Nock, C.A. & Staab, M. (2018): Tree genetic diversity increases arthropod diversity in willow short rotation coppice. Biomass and Bioenergy 108: 338-344. Link


  • Trogisch, S., [...], Klein, A.M., [...], Staab, M., et al. & Bruelheide H. (2017): Towards a methodical framework for comprehensively assessing forest multifunctionalityEcology and Evolution 7: 10652-10674. Link
  • Schuldt, A., Fornoff, F., Bruelheide, H., Klein, A.M. & Staab, M. (2017): Tree species richness attenuates the positive relationship between mutualistic ant-hemipteran interactions and leaf chewer herbivory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284: 20171489. Link
  • Schuldt, A., Bruelheide, H., Assmann, T., Buscot, F., Erfmeier, A., Klein, A.M., Ma, K., Scholten, T., Staab, M., Wirth, C., Zhang, J. & Wubet, T. (2017): Belowground top-down and aboveground bottom-up effects structure multitrophic communities in a biodiverse forest. Scientific Reports 7: 4222. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04619-3. Link
  • Staab, M., Fornoff, F., Klein, A.M. & Blüthgen, N. (2017): Ants at plant wounds - A little-known trophic interaction with evolutionary implications for ant-plant interactions. American Naturalist 190: 442-450. Link
  • Staab, M., Methorst, J., Peters, J., Blüthgen, N. & Klein, A.M. (2017): Tree diversity and nectar composition affect arthropod visitors on extrafloral nectaries in a diversity experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 201-212 . Link


  • Wein, A., Bauhus, J., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Nock, C. & Staab, M. (2016): Tree species richness promotes invertebrate herbivory on congeneric native and exotic tree saplings in a young diversity experiment. PLOS ONE 11: 0168751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168751. Link
  • Staab, M., Bruelheide, H., Durka, W., Michalski, S., Purschke, O., Zhu C.D. & Klein, A.M. (2016): Tree phylogenetic diversity promotes host-parasitoid interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283: 20160275. Link
  • Peixoto-Pereira, M.H., Pufal, G., Staab, M., Martins, C.F. & Klein, A.M. (2016): Diversity and specificity of host-natural enemy interactions in an urban-rural interface. Ecological Entomology 41: 241-252. Link


  • Schuldt, A., Wubet, T., Buscot, F., Staab, M., Assmann, T., Böhnke-Kammerlander, M., Both, S., Erfmeier, A., Klein, A.M., Ma, K., Pietsch, K., Schultze, S., Wirth, C., Zhang, J., Zumstein, P. & Bruelheide, H. (2015): Multitrophic diversity in a biodiverse forest is highly nonlinear across spatial scales. Nature Communications 6: 10169. Link
  • Staab, M. (2015): Aenictus hoelldobleri sp. n., a new species of the Aenictus ceylonicus group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from China, with a key to the Chinese members of the group. ZooKeys 516: 137-155. Link
  • Staab, M., Ohl, M., Zhu, C.D. & Klein, A.M. (2015): Observational natural history and morphological taxonomy are indispensable for future challenges in biodiversity and conservation. Communicative and Integrative Biology 8: e992745. doi:10.4161/19420889.2014.992745 Link
  • Schuldt, A. & Staab, M. (2015): Tree species richness strengthens relationships between ants and the functional composition of spider assemblages in a highly diverse forest. Biotropica 47: 339-346. Link
  • Staab, M., Blüthgen, N. & Klein, A.M. (2015): Tree diversity alters the structure of a tri-trophic network in a biodiversity experiment. Oikos 124: 827-834. Link


  • Staab, M., Schuldt, A., Assmann, T., Bruelheide, H. & Klein, A.M. (2014): Ant community structure during forest succession in a subtropical forest in South-East China. Acta Oecologica 61: 32-40. Link
  • Staab, M., Ohl, M., Zhu, CD. & Klein, A.M. (2014): A unique nest-protection strategy in a new species of spider wasp. PLOS ONE 9: e101592. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101592. Link (highlighted in Nature 10.07.2014) Link
  • Staab, M., Schuldt, A., Assmann, T. & Klein, A.M. (2014): Tree diversity promotes predator but not omnivore ants in a subtropical Chinese forest. Ecological Entomology 39: 637-647.  Link
  • Floren, A., Wetzel, W. & Staab, M. (2014): The contribution of canopy species to overall ant diversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in temperate and tropical ecosystems. Myrmecological News 19: 65-74. Link
  • Staab, M. (2014): The first observation of honeydew foraging in army ants since 1933: Aenictus hodgsoni Forel, 1901 tending Eutrichosiphum heterotrichum (Raychaudhuri, 1956) in Southeast China. Asian Myrmecology 6: 115-118.  Link
  • Staab, M. (2014): A new species of the Aenictus wroughtonii group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from South-East China. ZooKeys 391: 65-73. Link
  • Staab, M. & Kleineidam, C.J. (2014): Initiation of swarming behavior and synchronization of mating flights in the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. FOREL, 1893 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 19: 93-102. Link


  • Menzel, F., Staab, M., Chung, A.Y., Gebauer, G. & Blüthgen, N. (2012): Trophic ecology of parabiotic ants: Do the partners have similar food niches? Austral Ecology 37: 537-546.  Link


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