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Department Head: 

Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
phone:+49 (0)761 203-67770



Mrs. Ilona Winkler
phone:+49 (0)761 203-3635
fax:+49 (0)761 203-3638


Chair of Nature Conservation
& Landscape Ecology
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg




MSc. Riko Fardiansah

 Riko.jpg Riko Fardiansah
phone: 0761 203 -8671
Room No. 505



PhD candidate within the ConFoBi Research Group (Conservation of FOrest Biodiversity) on sub-project B3 / 3rd phase:  Inter- and intraspecific trait responses to forest maintenance.




since 06 2022 PhD student within the ConFoBi-Research Group at the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, University of Freiburg
11 2021 Master thesis “Trophic niche structure of European Spiders in Pure and Mixed Forest of Native and Non-Native Tree Species" 
2019 -2021
Master’s Degree “Tropical and International Forestry” at the University of Göttingen, Germany
2018 Spider taxonomy training at the Center of Natural History (CeNak) – University of Hamburg, Germany
2013 - 2018 Research assistant for the CRC 990 – EFForTS Project, Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia
2008 - 2013
Bachelor’s Degree “Plant Pest and Diseases”, at the University of Jambi, Indonesia



  • Fardiansah, R., Rehling, F., Rappa, N., Dormann, C.F. & Klein, A.M. (2025): Host identity, nest quality, and parasitism strategy: influences on body size variation in parasitoid bees and wasps. Oikos. Accepted.

  • Wildermuth, B., Fardiansah, R., Matevski, D., Lu, J.Z., Kriegel, P., Scheu, S. & Schuldt, A. (2023): Conifers and non-native tree species shift trophic niches of generalist arthropod predators in Central European beech forests. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23: 3. Link
  • Darras, K.F.A., Corre, M.D., Formaglio, G., Tjoa A., Potapov A., Brambach F., Sibhatu K.T., Grass I., Rubiano A.A., Buchori D., Drescher J., Fardiansah R., Hölscher D., Irawan B., Kneib T., Krashevska V., Krause A., Kreft H., Li K., Maraun M., Polle A., Ryadin A.R., Rembold K., Stiegler C., Scheu S., Tarigan S., Valdés, U.A, Yadi S., Tscharntke T. & Veldkamp E. (2019): Reducing fertilizer and avoiding herbicides in oil palm plantations-ecological and economic valuations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change:
  • Fardiansah, R., Dupérré, N., Widyastuti, R., Potapov, A., Scheu, S. & Harms, D. (2019): Description of four new species of armoured spiders (Araneae, Tetrablemmidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia. ZooKeys 820: 95-118.
  • Fardiansah, R., Dupérré, N., Widyastuti, R., Potapov, A., Scheu, S. & Harms, D. (2018): Description of three new species of Aposphragisma Thoma, 2014 (Araneae: Oonopidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia. ZooKeys 797: 71-85.
  • Denmead, L.H., Darras, K., Clough, Y., Diaz, P., Grass, I., Hoffmann, M.P., Nurdiansyah, F., Fardiansah, R. & Tscharntke, T. (2017): The role of ants, birds and bats for ecosystem functions and yield in oil palm plantations. Ecology, 98: 1945-1956.
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