

Department Head: 

Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
phone:+49 (0)761 203-67770



Mrs. Ilona Winkler
phone:+49 (0)761 203-3635
fax:+49 (0)761 203-3638


Chair of Nature Conservation
& Landscape Ecology
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg




News & Press

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klein on #Krautschau in Freiburg. In a short video, she explains why it is important to raise awareness for the plants that grow on walls and pavements in the city.

Now available in Dutch:

Stoepplantjes: Ontdek 95 planten in de stad



Award ceremony

In June 2024, our former PhD student Dr. Tristan Eckerter was awarded the Sattelmühle Förderpreis for his dissertation on "Conservation options for wild bees and wasps in managed temperate forests".

His PhD project was supervised by Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klein and Dr. Veronika Braunisch.


Photo: Sattelmühle Stiftung


Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein will give a lecture on pollination services at the University of Bayreuth on 26 June 2024
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 Poster Citizen Science in Teaching Through Digital Wild Bee Identification

Together with researchers of the University of Bamberg, Dr. Felix Fornoff published a poster on 'Citizen Science in Teaching' publiziert.

 #Krautschau events in Freiburg

09.05.2024, 12:00: Freiburger Golfclub e.V., Krüttweg 1, D-79199 Kirchzarten, with Anna Klopstock and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klein

16.05.2024, 14:00: Herder building, main entrance, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Tennenbacher Straße 4, 79106 Freiburg, with Winfried Meier and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klein

Podcast: Beenovation

In episode 5 of the Beenovation podcast, Dr. Felix Fornoff talks about our research in the INTEGRA project, opportunities, benefits and challenges for farmers of promoting pollinator insects.

Lecture Series "Gehegte Natur"

As part of the lecture series "Gehegte Natur - Eine transkulturelle Gartengeschichte", Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein will give a lecture on "Geschichte der Gärten aus Sicht der Bienen" on 18 July 2024.


Research Semester in Lund, Sweden

Prof Dr Alexandra-Maria Klein spent her sabbatical during thw winter term 2023/24 as visiting professor at the University of Lund, Sweden.

In an interview, she talks about her activities, inspirations and plans for future collaborations.


Lisbon, February 12 - 16
"Tropical ecosystems in a fast-changing planet"

Session & Chairs
Multi-trophic interactions in tropical forests and agro-forestry systems

"Multi-trophic networks in tropical forests"

Chair: Dr. Finn Rehling, Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Session 11-O12 - Biodiversity, biotic interactions and functioning
Finn Rehling, Jing-Ting Chen, Matteo Dadda, Xianglu Deng, Heike Feldhaar, Felix Fornoff, Massimo Martini, Xiaoyu Shi, Liu Xiaojuan, Chao-Dong Zhu, Alexandra-Maria Klein
"Animal carrion decomposition and decomposers are influenced by canopy cover, topography, ants and tree species richness in a subtropical forest biodiversity experiment"
Dr. Finn Rehling received the Merian Award for the second best oral presentation

Session 2-O6 - Cutting-edge biomonitoring in the tropics
Massimo Martini, Felix Fornoff, Manuela Sann, Arong Luo, Jingting Chen, Michael Orr, Chao-Dong Zhu, Alexandra-Maria Klein

"Using DNA barcoding to resolve quantitative multi-trophic interaction network response to tree identity"


DAFA - Fachforum Bienen und Landwirtschaft — Strategiekonferenz
Konferenz der Deutschen Agrarforschungsallianz
17.–18. Januar 2024, Berlin

Vorstellung des INTEGRA Projekts
Dr. Felix Fornoff
"Hecken in Agrarlandschaften bieten attraktive
Blütenressourcen aber wenige Nisthabitate für Wildbienen"
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Deutschlandfunk - Zwischentöne


"Die Ökosysteme wären ohne den Menschen besser dran"

Interview mit  Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein


Office of University and Science Communications - Press release


"Neue Lebensräume für Hummeln, Schmetterlinge und Co"

In 2024 startet das neue EU Projekt "RestPoll"

(Restoring pollinator habitats across European agricultural landscapes based on multi-actor participatory approaches)

Led by Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein

Coordination by Amibeth Thompson

Collaboration by Dr. Felix Fornoff, Dr. Dimitry Wintermantel, Dr. Julia Osterman

RestPoll Kick-Off meeting November 28th-29th, 2023 in Lund, Sweden
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MSc. Amibeth Thompson
All RestPoll Cooperation partner with
Dr. Felix Fornoff, Dr. Julia Osterman
Dr. Dimitry Wintermantel
Prof. Alexandra-Maria Klein 


Wildbienen und Wespen
in Nisthilfen bestimmen:
Ein Bestimmungschlüssel für Deutschland
Ein Ratgeber des Thünen-Institut für Biodiversität, Braunschweig
Lindermann, L., Grabener, S., Fornoff, F., Hopfenmüller, S., Schiele, S., Stahl, J. & Dieker, D.
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BZ - Badische Zeitung - 25.08.2023
Interview mit Dr. Judith Trunschke zu einer der vier Golf Anlagen
in Baden-Württemberg die im Rahmen des Projekts GolfBioDivers
von ihr untersucht werden.



Das Mitmachbuch zu Krautschau Aktionen:


Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein & Dr. Julia Krohmer

"Das wächst in Deiner Stadt"

95 Stadtpflanzen entdecken, bestimmen, bekannt machen


from February 2024 also in French:

Qu'est-ce qui pousse dans ma rue?

Les 95 espèces les plus fréquentes de flore des rues

from Juli 2024 also in Englisch:

A Field Guide to Urban Plants

The flora of pavements, walls and waste ground



BZ - Badische Zeitung - 20.06.2023
Interview mit Christopher Hellerich zum Projekt seiner Doktorarbeit

Christopher Hellerich forscht zu boden... und um Freiburg-Opfingen aufgestellt.  | Foto: Privat


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