Sie sind hier: Startseite Research Completed projects Crop-flower attractiveness for wild and managed bees


Department Head: 

Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein
phone:+49 (0)761 203-67770



Mrs. Ilona Winkler
phone:+49 (0)761 203-3635
fax:+49 (0)761 203-3638


Chair of Nature Conservation
& Landscape Ecology
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg




Crop-flower attractiveness for wild and managed bees

Crop-flower attractiveness

for wild and managed bees – global assesment


Crop flower global.jpg 


Dr. Anne-Christine Mupepele

Dr. Felix Fornoff

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Maria Klein

Mihail-George Petre

Project duration:



Yield of pollinator-dependent crops increases with flower visitations by pollinators. The attractiveness of crops for pollinators, such as wild and managed bees, is therefore an important indicator of how many pollinators can be expected to visit the flowers. The mutualistic flower-visitor interaction also benefits the visitor. Hence flower attractiveness may indicate to what extend crops support local bee populations. An evaluation of flower attractiveness for all crops shall guide future crop rotations or synergistic spatio-temporal arrangements of agricultural areas.

The project, applies an expert elicitation to identify how attractive crops are to wild and managed bees based on all crops listed by the FAO. Link


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