Final project report: EcoFruit - Managing ecosystem services for fruit production in different |
Master Müller, Johanna (2017): Relation between the intraspecific body size variation of dominant pollinators in commercial apple orchards and the landscape context. Hoffmann, Stefanie (2016): Influence of landscape heterogeneity, management and agri-environmental schemes on pest infestation and natural pest control in apple orchards. Bachelor Dries, Leonie (2017): The influence of management and edge effects on beneficial organisms and biological pest control in apple orchards. González Ibáñez, Alejandro (2016): Landscape structure and biological control of codling moth Cydia pomonella in cider apple crops in Asturias. Wesselkamp, Dorothee (2017): Unterschiede in Bestäubergemeinschaften von traditionellen Apfelsorten aufgrund von Blütenmerkmalen und der Verfügbarkeit von Bestäubern. Sester, Johanna (2017): Unterschiede in Blütenmerkmalen von traditionellen Apfelsorten. Olivia, Geyer (2017): Nistweise bodennistender Wildbienen in Mitteleuropa und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Förderung im Obstbau am Bodensee. Heitbrink, Lara-Sophie (2017): Nisthilfen zur Förderung von Wildbienen - Stört ein Gitter zum Schutz vor Vögeln hohlraumnistende Bienen und Wespen.
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Papers García, D., Miñarro, M., Peña, R., Illera, J.C., Palomar, G. & Rumeu, B. (2022): Aves insectívoras y control biológico de plagas en cultivos de manzano de sidar de Asturias. Phytoma 336: 17-23. Link Hamback, P., Cirtwill, A., García, D., Grudzinska-Sterno, M.; Miñarro, M., Tasin, M., Yang, X. & Samnegård, U. (2021): More intraguild prey that pest species in arachnid diets may compromise biological control in apple orchards. Basic and Applied Ecology 57: 1-13. Link García, D., Miñarro, M. & Martínez-Sastre, R. (2021): Enhancing ecosystem services in apple orchards: Nest boxes increase pest control by insectivorous birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 465-475. Link Roquer-Beni, L., Alins, G., Arnan, X., Boreux, V., García, D., Hambäck, P., Happe, A.K., Klein, A.M., Miñarro, M., Mody, K., Porcel, M., Rodrigo, A., Samnegard, U., Tasin, M. & Bosch, J. (2021): Management-dependent effects of pollinator functional diversity on apple pollination services: a response-effect trait approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 2843-2853. Link Roquer-Beni, L., Rodrigo, A., Arnan, X., Klein, A.M., Fornoff, F., Boreux, V. & Bosch, J. (2020): A novel method to measure hairiness in bees and other insect pollinators. Ecology and Evolution 10: 2979-2990. Link Hambäck, P.A., Porcel, M., Tanin, M. & Samnegard, U. (2020): Predatory arthropod community compostion in apple orchards: Orchard management, landscape structure and sampling method. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 46-54. Link Miñarro, M. & García, D. (2018): Complementarity and redundancy in the functional niche of cider apple pollinators. Apidologie 49: 789-802. Link Miñarro, M. & García, D. (2018): Unravelling of pest infestation and biological control in low-input orchards: the case of apple blossm weevil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 254: 233-243. Happe, A.K., Alins, G., Blüthgen, N., Boreux, V., Bosch, J.; Garía, D., Hambäck, P.A., Klein, A.M., Martínez-Sastre, R., Miñarro, M., Müller, A.K., Porcel, M., Rodrigo, A., Roquer-Beni, L., Samnegard, U., Tasin, M. & Mody, K. (2019): Predatory arthropods in apple orchards across Europe: responses to agricultural management, adjacent habitat, landscape composition and country. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 273: 141-150. Link Klein, A.M., Fornoff, F., Mupepele, A.C., Boreux, V. & Pufal, G. (2018): Relevance of wild and managed bees for human well-being. Current Opinion in Insect Science 26: 82-88. Link Samnegard, U., Alins, G., Boreux, V., Bosch, J., García, D., Happe, A.K., Klein, A.M., Miñarro, M., Mody, K., Porcel, M., Rodrigo, A., Roquer-Beni, L., Tasin, M. & Hambäck, P. (2018): Management trade-offs on ecosystem services in apple orchards across Europe: direct and indirect effects of organic production. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 802-811. Link Happe, A.K., Roquer-Beni, L., Bosch, J., Alins, G. & Mody, K. (2018): Earwigs and woolly apple aphids in integrated and organic apple orchards: responses of a generalist predator and a pest prey to local and landscape factors. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 268: 44-51. Link Kőrösi, Á., Markó, V., Kovács-Hostyánszki, A., Somay, L., Varga, Á., Elek, Z., Boreux, V., Klein, A.M., Földesi, R. & Báldi, A. (2018): Climate-induced phenological shift of apple trees has diverse effects on pollinators, herbivores and natural enemies. PeerJ: 6: e5269. Link Porcel, M., Andersson, G., Pålsson, J. & Tasin, M. (2018): Organic management in apple orchards: higher impacts on biological control than on pollination. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 2779-2789. Link García, D., Miñarro, M. & Martínez-Sastre, R. (2018): Birds as suppliers of pest control in cider apple orchards: avian biodiversity drivers and insectivory effect. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 254: 233-243. Link Miñarro, M., García, D. & Martínez-Sastre, R. (2017): Los insectos polinizadores en la agricultura: importancia y gestión de su biodiversidad. Ecosistemas 27: 81 -90 Link Pufal, G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Klein, A.M. (2017): Crop pollination services at the landscape scale. Current Opinion in Insect Science 21: 91-97. Link Lichtenberg, E.M., Kennedy, C.M., Kremen, C., Batary, P., Berendse, F., Bommarco, R., Bosque-Perez, N.A., Carvalheiro, L.G., Snyder, W.E., William, Williams, N.M., Winfree, R., Astrom, S., Benjamin, F., Brittain, C., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Clough, Y., Connelly, H., Danforth, B., Diekotter, T., Eigenbrode, S.D., Ekroos, J., Elle, E., Freitas, B.F., Fukuda, Y., Gaines-Day, H.R., Gratton, C., Holzschuh, A., Isaacs, R., Isaia, M., Jha, S., Jonason, D., Jones, V.P., Klatt, B., Klein, A.M., Krauss, J., Letourneau, D.K., Macfadyen, S., Mallinger, R.E., Martin, E.A., Martinez, E., Memmott, J., Morandin, L., Neame, L., Otieno, M.,. Park, M.G., Pfiffner, L., Pocock, M., Ponce, C., Potts, S.G., Poveda, K., Ramos, M., Rosenheim, J.A., Rundlof, M., Sardinas, H., Saunders, M.E., Schon, N.L., Sciligo, A.R., Sidhu, C.S., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Tscharntke, T., Vesely, M., Weisser, W.W., Wilson, J.K. & Crowder, D.W. (2017): A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes. Global Change Biology 23: 4946-4957. Link Garratt, M.P.D., Breeze, T.D., Boreux, V., Fountain, M.T., McKerchar, M., Webber, S.M., Coston, D.J., Jenner, N., Dean, R., Westbury, D.B., Biesmeijer, J.C. & Potts, S.G. (2016): Apple pollination: Demand depends on variety and supply depends on pollinator identity. PLOS ONE 11: e0153889. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153889. Link Garibaldi, L.A., Aizen, M.A., Cunningham, S.A., Harder, L.D. & Klein, A.M. (2016): Incremental contribution of pollination and other ecosystem services to agricultural productivity: effects of service quantity and quality. In: Gemmill-Herren, B. (ed.) Pollination Services to Agriculture: Sustaining and enhancing a key ecosystem service (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity). Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 33-42. Hambäck, P. & Tasin, M. (2016): Rönnbärsmal - vilsen förlorare i äpple. Natur och Trädgård, Vol 3 (A popular science paper on apple moth). Hellqvist, S. & Hambäck, P. (2016): Platypalpus leucocephalus (von Roser) (Diptera: Hybotidae) found in apple orchards in Scania – first record from the Nordic countries. – FaZett 29(2): 58-62. Lund. 2016. ISSN 1100-2425. Klein, A.M. (2016): Fliegen, Motten, Wanzen. Honig- und Wildbienen haben viele Helfer, doch ersetzbar sind sie nicht. ADIZ - Die Biene – Imkerfreund April 2016, pp. 34-36. Miñarro, M., & García, D. (2016): Manzana, kiwi y arándano: sin insectos no hay frutos ni beneficios. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 18:4-8.
Talks Happe, A.K., Bosch, J., Roquer-Beni, L., Alins, G. & Mody, K. (2018): "Earwigs and aphids in apple orchards – influence of agri-environmental measures and landscape factors", 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing 2018, Hohenheim, Germany Happe, A.K., Mody, K., Bosch, J., García; D., Hambäck, U., Klein, A.M., Miñarro, M., Rodrigo, A. & Blüthgen, N. (2017): "Generalist predators in apple orchards and their functional traits: responses to orchard management, woody habitats and landscape composition" , BES/GfÖ 2017, Session: Agricultural Science, Ghent) Klein, A.M. (2017): General goals and project achievements and the effects of birds on fruit production. EcoFruit Annual Meeting 06.-08.11.2017 at the University of Darmstadt, Germany. Boreux, V. (2017): Pollinator communites and pollination effectiveness in apple production areas across Europe. EcoFruit Annual Meeting 06.-08.11.2017 at the University of Darmstadt, Germany. Martínez-Sastre, R., Miñarro, M. & García, D. (2017): Animal-driven ecosystem services in Asturian cider apple orchards: biodiversity factors and effects. Workshop ECOFLOR 2017, 30-31.01.2017, Grupo de Trabajo ECOFLOR-AEET, Sevilla, Spain. Roquer-Beni, L., Rodrigo, A., Boreux, V., Klein, A.M., Alins, G., Miñarro, M., Samnegård, U., P, Hambäck, P., Bosch, J. (2017): Effects of local and landscape factors on pollination services in European apple orchards. Workshop ECOFLOR 2017, 31.01.2017. Boreux, V., Klein, A.M., Bosch, J., Hambäck, P., Roquer, L., Alins, G., Rodrigo, A. & Samnegård, U. (2017): Effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Schemes on pollinator diversity in apple orchards. BES 2017. Boreux, V., Klein, A.M., Bosch, J., Roquer, L., Alins, G., Rodrigo, A., Samnegård, U., Hambäck, P. (2016): Effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) on visitor abundance and diversity in apple orchards. 2016 (British Ecological Society, Liverpool), UK. Bosch, J. & Roquer, L. (2016): Biodiversitat functional. Marges florits, tanques vegetals i pollinitzadors. Jornada tècnica. LLEIDA, dimecres 30 de novembre de 2016. Spain. Bosch, J. & Roquer, L. (2016): VIII Jornada de fructicultura ecològica. Jornada tècnica. ALFARRÀS, dijous 26 de maig de 2016. Spain. Happe, A.K. (2016): Biological pest control in apple orchards. First results of the BiodivERsA EcoFruit project. Department of Ecology, University of Szeged, November, 2016, Hungary. Happe, A.K., Hoffmann, S. & Mody, K. (2016): Landscape and management effects on biocontrol: Wooly apple aphids and earwigs. GfÖ Tagung 2016, Marburg. Germany. Klein, A.M. (2016): Blütenbestäubende Tiere: faszinierende Vielfalt und große Bedeutung. European Conference of Tropical Ecology & 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie/Society for Tropical Ecology, 24.02.2016 in Göttingen, Germany, (Elisabeth Kalko Memorial Lecture). Klein, A.M. (2016): Eine Welt ohne bestäubende Insekten…05.10.2016 Frankfurter Zoo, Frankfurt, Germany. Klein, A.M. (2016): Bedeutung und Bedrohung von Bienen und anderen Insekten. 23.11.2016 TU München, Germany. Klein, A.M. (2016): Biodiversität und Bestäubung. Vortragsreihe Vielfalt zählt, 22.06.2016, Senckenberg, Frankfurt. Germany. Klein, A.M. (2016): Bienen und ihre Bedeutung für den Menschen, Flyingscience, 22.04.2016 Basel, Switzerland. Klein, A. M. (2016): Förderung von Bienen in Gärten und Obstanlagen. Landfrauen Pfaffenweiler, 14.03.2016 Pfaffenweiler, Germany. Klein, A.M. (2016): Gefährdungsursachen für Honigbienen und Wildbienen und Folgen für die Bestäubung. Imkerverein Freiburg. 07.01.2016, Freiburg, Germany. Miñarro, M. & García, D. (2016): Contribución de los insectos a la polinización del manzano de sidra en Asturias. Workshop ECOFLOR 2016, 4-6.02.2016, Grupo de Trabajo ECOFLOR-AEET, Vigo, Spain. Miñarro, M. & García, D. (2015): Contribución de los insectos a la polinización del manzano de sidra en Asturias. IX Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada, 19-23.10.2015, SEEA. Valencia, Spain Posters García, D., Miñarro, M & Rayón, F. (2015): Control biológico de carpocapsa y riqueza de aves en pomaradas asturianas. IX Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada, 19-23.10.2015, SEEA. Valencia, Spain. Happe, A.K., Blüthgen, N., Boreux, V., Bosch, J., García, D., Hambäck, P.A., Klein A.M., Miñarro, M., Mody, K., Rodrigo, A., Roquer-Beni, L., Samnegård, U., Alins, G., Porcel, M., Martínez Sastre, R. & Tasin, M. (2018): "Management von Ökosystemleistungen für die Obstproduktion in Europa" (Poster, 6. Nationales Forum zu IPBES, 21.-22. Februar 2018, Bonn) "Management von Ökosystemleistungen für die Obstproduktion in Europa" 6. Nationales Forum zu IPBES, 21.-22. Februar 2018, Bonn
Poster with 25 different insects who are visiting cider-apple orchards in Asturias
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Scientific workshops Garratt, M., Potts, S., Klein, A.M (2016): Apple pollination workshop. Attendees: Robert Paxton, Michelle Fountain, Arjen de Groot, Jordi Bosch, Tom Breeze, Gesine Pufal, Mia Park, Deepa Senapathi, Matthias Albrecht, Romina Rader, Megan McKerchar, Sean Webber. 17-19.5.2016 University of Reading, UK. Meetings and Workshops for Stakeholders Initial meeting with project partners from Bayer CropScience, May 5th 2017. Stakeholder meeting with farmers, advisors, representatives of grower organisations and researchers to discuss first results, March 14th 2017. Ravensburg. Germany. LRF frukt (The Federation of Swedish Farmers – LRF): "Annual meeting of the fruit growers" in Kristianstad 19. January 2017, organized by Marco Tasin. Participants: Beside growers, advisors belonging to Hushållningsällskapet and to growers co-operative. Sweden. Miñarro, M. & Garcia, D. (2016). Workshop on the project objectives (Asturian Cider Regulatory Council D.O.P “Sidra de Asturias”), land managers (Director of the “Reserva Natural Parcial de la Ría de Villaviciosa”), environmental ONG’s (Spanish Ornithological Society, SEO-Asturias) and researchers (SERIDA; Universidad de Oviedo). 23/06/2016 Villaviciosa, Asturias. Spain. Happe, A. et al. (2016): Workshop of the initial results to planters and stakeholders in 2016, organized by Anne Happe, University of Darmstadt. Germany. Kick-off meeting with stakeholders (organic production), Julius-Kühn Institut Darmstadt, February 6, (2015): participants: Iris Motzke, Annette Herz, Regina Kleespies, Karsten Mody, Bert Krämer, Nikolaus Glocker, Dierk Augustin, Jan Kalbitz, Jutta Kienzle, Dietrich Stephan, Carina Ehrich. Darmstadt, Germany. |
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Talks for Stakehoders García, D. (2017): “What’s the matter with Biodiversity? Reasons for conservation in the real world” Ciclo de Conferencias Ciencia y Naturaleza, organized by Aula de Cultura La Voz de Avilés, 09/01/2017, Avilés, Asturias. Alins, G. & Roquer, L. (2016): Which are the most important pollinators of our orchards? pollinates our orchards? Workshop: Functional biodiversity. Flowering margins, floral strips and pollinators, Lleida) – Spain, 30/11/2016. Bosch, J. (2016): The use of solitary bees for orchard pollination. Workshop: Functional biodiversity. Flowering margins, floral strips and pollinators, Lleida – Spain, 30/11/2016. Miñarro, M. (2016): “Groundcover and pest management in apple orchards", in the International Day of the Asturian Traditional Cider, organized by Asociación de Fomento de la Sidra Tradicional Asturiana, 11/11/2016, Villaviciosa, Asturias García, D. (2016): “Why birds matter? Bird bodiversity and ecosystem services” International Day of Birds, organized by SEO Birdlife Asturias, 01/10/2016, Villaviciosa, Asturias. Alins, G. & Roquer, L. (2016): Who pollinates our orchards? Workshop: VIII Organic fruit growing conference, Alfarràs (Lleida) – Spain, 26/05/2016. Bosch, J. (2016): Management of solitary bees to increase orchard pollination. Workshop: VIII Organic fruit growing conference, Alfarràs (Lleida) – Spain, 26/05/2016. |
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Brochures/Flyers Fornoff, F. (2016): Insektenhaus - Wohn- und Überwinterungsstätten für solitäre Bienen und Wespen. Durocher, L. (2015): Apfelplantagen in der Rheinebene: Bestäuber und Fruchterfolg. |
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Press releases/articles ntv: "Apfelplantagen profitieren von Artenreichtum" Regional Newspaper “La Nueva España”: El manzano de sidra tendrá por primera vez ayudas de la Política Agrícola Europea pdf University of Oviedo (including video-clip): Regional Newspaper “La Nueva España”: Digital Newspaper “20 minutos”: Badische Zeitung, 21.05.2017 Neues für Kinder: Summmm – Bienen machen Honig, können aber noch viel mehr. Uni Wissen 01/2016 Von Blüte zur Blüte: Honigbienen und viele andere geflügelte Insekten leisten wesentliche Beiträge zur Bestäubung von Kulturpflanzen: Regional Newspaper “El Comercio”: Digital Newspaper “”: |
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